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3 remarkable strategies for productive campus recruitment in peak season

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

With recruitment season right around the corner, recruiters are gearing up for recruitment drives across numerous colleges. Student recruitment program is an extremely arduous and a painstaking process. However, with the development in technology, the process of recruitment can be automated thereby reducing the amount of manual work and effort. Even then it is mandatory that you have a sound recruitment strategy so that you can attract the best talent. The first and foremost thing that you need to do is identify your hiring needs. You must have a good understanding of what you hope to achieve through your recruitment drive. You also need to consider the key positions in your organization that you are hoping to fill. Lastly, it is also important to look for skills that are lacking in the pool of existing employees.

Here are the most effective strategies that you need to incorporate for a successful campus recruitment drive:

  1. Target the right schools: Perhaps the most crucial aspect of a strategic approach is to identify and target the right schools. Firstly, determine the type of skills you need to look for in a hire. Secondly, identify the schools that offer excellent academic programs in the required domain. For instance, you could look at good engineering schools having an expertise in the field of Information Technology, if you need a candidate for an IT position. Another important factor that you need to consider is the strong relationships with schools you have recruited from in the past that have yielded good results. Moreover, the existing employees can help promote your brand image and create a good first impression for your organization. Don’t forget to take into account the accreditation and previous placement records of the school as it can give you better insight into the variety of students and their talents.

  2. Implement an applicant tracking system: An applicant tracking system or ATS is a software that automates the process of finding quality talent and makes the entire recruitment process streamlined. It is essential that you invest in one that can screen candidates based on their profile and skill set and also furnish you with the detailed reports of candidates by analysing the data as it helps eliminate the paperwork and minimise human error. Furthermore, it can be highly beneficial to the students too as they can check if they have been shortlisted for subsequent rounds of interviews. In other words, ATS can be a boon for both you as well as the students.

  3. Host college career fairs: Career fairs are excellent platforms for you to create brand awareness and increase brand visibility in college campuses. Moreover, you can scout around for potential hires and scope out information about them. Needless to say, it is critical that you decide on your recruitment goal and prepare accordingly for a job fair.

If you are a recruiter who’s preparing for a campus recruitment drive this season, we can help you conduct a hassle-free one. POD(formerly known as Calyxpod) is a one-stop solution for all your recruitment needs. For more information you can visit us at

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